New York City Medical Waste Disposal Services
Find secure medical waste disposal services in New York City for your home or business when you connect with our team. Medical Waste Pros has a network of contractors who specialize in the transport and removal of regulated waste from hospitals, clinics, medical practices and more. Laws regarding regulated medical waste are enforced at state and local levels, but all types of infectious waste should be handled, managed, and disposed of according to both OSHA and New York State mandates to ensure the safety of patients, employees, and service workers.

Regulated medical waste can be broken down into 6 main categories:
Pathological Waste – human anatomical wastes, organs, tissues, or body parts.
Contaminated Sharps – waste that includes any item that can easily penetrate the skin, waste bags, or cardboard boxes, and can induce subdermal inoculation of infectious agents. To qualify as medical, these items must have been used in medical, research, or industrial laboratories on animals or humans.
Cultures and Stocks of Infectious Agents – also known as microbiological waste, it is typically generated from clinical or research laboratory procedures involving communicable infectious diseases.
Isolation Waste – waste that has potentially been contaminated with a highly communicable disease. Typically it’s created by hospitalized patients or animals that have been isolated to protect others because their disease is highly communicable.
Contaminated Animal Carcasses, Body Parts, and Bedding – waste from in vivo pharmaceutical testing, animals intentionally exposed to pathogens in research, or biologicals production.
Human Blood and Blood Products – any blood products or components including serum and plasma, or any bodily fluids that are visually contaminated with blood. This includes fluids where it might be difficult to differentiate between bodily fluids and blood.
Get Free Quotes Today
There are severe penalties for improper disposal of regulated medical waste—both financial and human health related. To prevent the spread of infectious diseases and ensure your practice stays in compliance with all federal and New York laws, choose a medical waste disposal company that will safely and securely dispose of your waste for you.
Our network of professionals will help you choose the proper containers, the right pick-up schedule, and the best overall system for your medical waste disposal needs. Call us today at (347) 273-1730 or fill out the form for free quotes and more information on how we can help keep your office clean and safe.