How to Maintain Sharps Compliance

Sharps are used in a variety of settings for many different uses. They should be handled properly to prevent injury and the spread of disease. Needlestick injuries are a risk wherever you use sharps. Appropriate management of your sharps keeps you within legal compliance and protects anyone who may come in contact with used needles.
Healthcare facilities, businesses, office buildings, restaurants, hotels, airports, and more all handle sharps daily. Individuals treating conditions like diabetes require injections throughout the day. By providing safe sharps disposal for your employees and customers, you avoid improper disposal and accidents that may occur as a result.
Creating a safe environment for your workplace protects your brand and keeps the community healthy. Medical Waste Pros offers convenient and safe solutions to collect and dispose of used sharps for your business.
How to Maintain Compliance

Sharps disposal containers can be provided in restrooms or other designated areas for both customers and employees. Sharps collection stations may need to be registered with your state or local authorities, depending on your area’s legal requirements.
OHSA training for employees can prevent mishandling. Any employee who may come in contact with used sharps should complete bloodborne pathogens training. Educating your staff minimizes risk and implements high safety standards for your company.
Providing detailed instructions for sharps disposal will help ensure your business properly handles any needles it uses. FDA-approved, clearly-labelled disposal containers should be accessible, but out of the reach of children and pets. When containers are three-quarters of the way full, you need to remove and dispose of them according to your community’s guidelines. You should report any problems with sharps and disposal containers, such as improper disposal practices or accidental needlestick injuries.
Managing Sharps Disposal
When you provide sharps disposal at your business, you will need a reliable medical waste management provider. Our providers offer compliant and environmentally friendly disposal options. We have drop-off and mail-back services to meet the needs of small businesses and low-volume waste generators. Our services are affordable and safe.

Drop-Off Service
Drop-off services are available at collection sites in your area. Once you have found a location, you can drop off your sharps containers at any time during business hours. Drop-off services are ideal for small businesses and homes, offering affordable and compliant medical waste disposal at your convenience.
Mail-Back Service
Sharps mail-back programs provide you with materials to safely send in your sharps containers for disposal. Mail-back kits are available in a variety of sizes with everything you will need. Mail-back services are compliant with the FDA, DOT, and USPS. It is a cost-effective and easy-to-use alternative to pick-up or drop-off services.
Pick Up Service
Pick-up services are best for larger waste generators. Your provider will give you instructions on how to prepare your containers and schedule pick-up. You can choose a one-time pickup or ongoing service depending on your business’s needs.
Tracking is typically available for pick-up and mail-back services. The US Department of Transportation (DOT) places responsibility for properly packaging medical waste on the generator, so appropriate training and handling should be a priority for your business.
Find Sharps Disposal Services Near You
Improper sharps disposal is dangerous and can result in fines and criminal penalties. Safe disposal options are affordable and easy to find with Medical Waste Pros. Give us a call at (888) 755-6370 or fill out the form to learn more. We will instantly connect you with local providers and send you free quotes on sharps disposal services.